Poor eyesight in children

Just as with adults, the most common visual impairments in children are long- or short-sightedness, an astigmatism, weak-sightedness (amblyopia), or a squint. In addition, there are eye misalignments and discomfort in the anterior section of the eye and the ocular fundus. All of these visual impairments can, however, be effectively treated – and the earlier the better.

What causes visual impairments in children?

Visual impairment can be transitory, with harmless causes such as hypoglycaemia (flickering vision, blackening before the eyes). These generally disappear on their own. In the case of persistent, restrictive visual impairment, it is worth a visit to the ophthalmologist.

Why it is important to treat visual impairments in children?

Children see the world through different eyes – in the truest sense of the word. For visual development and the processing of impressions, early detection and treatment of visual impairments in children are very important. Otherwise, reduced vision can lead to developmental impairment and damage. Thanks to their years of experience, our ophthalmologists and orthoptists specialise in the treatment, diagnosis and therapy of early-childhood visual impairment.

Does your child have poor eyesight?